5 Skills of Harmless Alcohol Use


Let’s face it, drinking alcohol makes us happy and helps us communicate.

However, let’s also not forget that alcohol, especially when consumed frequently or in large quantities, can lead to injuries, accidents, family and work problems, and over time-to serious health problems.

Having strong boundaries concerning certain things is essential and healthy. Controlling your alcohol usage can help you prevent negative outcomes, just as it’s crucial to avoid losing your mind after receiving your first CasinoChan bonus and losing all of your money afterwards.

Here are 5 skills that will make alcohol consumption as safe as possible.

1. Be well aware of the dangers of alcohol

The standard amount of alcohol use is 10 grams of pure alcohol (ethyl alcohol), which our body can digest in about 1 hour.

However, both the standard amount of alcohol and the speed of alcohol assimilation depend on age, gender, body weight and how your well-being changes under the influence of alcohol.

Constant excess of the permissible amount of alcohol (otherwise called harmful use of alcohol or alcohol abuse) increases the risk of severe chronic diseases over time.

2. Eat before (and during) drinking

The alcohol you drink enters the bloodstream, being absorbed in the stomach and small intestine. 

If the stomach is empty when drinking alcohol, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream faster, and side effects develop even faster and stronger (we all know that people get drunk easily when they drink with an empty stomach).

That’s why eating a small amount of food before the first glass of alcohol is a great idea.

3. Count the number of glasses drunk

Keep in mind that alcoholic beverages offered in clubs and bars are usually served in quantities exceeding the standard amount.

Fix your upper limit on the amount of alcohol.

Don’t try to drink all the toasts or reach to other members of your tables drinking too much alcohol. And to avoid confusing the count of the glasses you’ve had, don’t regularly top down your glass with more alcohol; instead, finish it off.

4. Reduce the effects of alcohol with soft drinks

The density (percentage) of alcohol in the blood is directly related to the strength of its effects.

The higher the percentage of alcohol in the blood, the stronger the effect of ethyl alcohol will be.

Follow these simple steps:

  • combine an alcoholic drink with non-alcoholic (not sweet) drinks
  • drink water before drinking alcohol
  • choose weak alcoholic beverages
  • take alcohol in small sips and not often, and not immediately.

5. Say “no” if you are…

… very young, pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication, not in the mood or suffering from depression.

For some groups of people, alcohol can be more dangerous, for example, children and young people under the age of 18, in whom alcohol intoxication can cause serious consequences.

Pregnant women and breastfeeding women can harm their future or current child by drinking alcohol.

Alcohol can cause, at best, undesirable, and at worst, dangerous interaction with the medication you are taking.

And remember that alcohol in an emotional state can temporarily help you, but is more likely to worsen your mental problems