How to Keep Your Spine Healthy?

Until our back hurts, we won’t be able to understand how much the spine means in our life. It takes part in almost all our actions. Without its participation, we cannot get into the car, run,

jump, walk, and live normally. However, many people experience back pain, which in most cases limits the human capacity for work and poisons our lives.

How Can You Prevent Pain and Keep Your Back Healthy?

As they say, “the salvation of a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself.” Try to help your back by following these simple and helpful tips.

Work and Workload

Do not repeat the exploits of Hercules if you are not physically ready. Correctly distribute the load, when you work sitting. Do not stay in a forward-leaning position for a long time, and periodically lean back on the back of a chair. Of course, it is always a temptation to sit in an unusual position, click the WooCasino login button and start playing your favourite games, but your spine will not approve it.

A lot of youngsters, especially the ones who are engaged in freelancing are working lying on their beds, which is a grave mistake. In the long run, it could cause devastating consequences so taking care of the following factor would be reasonable.


The spine must be regularly and properly “fed”. Many articles have been devoted to this, and in short, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D, and manganese are needed. If these substances are not enough, the spine will become fragile and sick.

Eating healthy food applies to everything. Whether your eyes, body, back or legs hurt, eating proper food and avoiding overeating is necessary. A healthy diet is also a step forward in getting rid of unnecessary pain. 


You need soft, light shoes with well-cushioned flexible soles. In women, the heel should not be higher than 5 centimetres. Good shoes (except for cushioning) give stability, which means that the muscles of the back and legs do not overwork.

When you purchase shoes, make sure you buy them at trustworthy stores. This way, you will be more confident and paying more than at cheap stores, will eventually be good for your health.


It is very important what you sit and sleep on. Chairs and armchairs should have a high back that provides support; bends are desirable at the neck and lower back level. It is better to sleep on a flat, non-sagging bed. With fractures of the spine and osteochondrosis, it is made rigid.


Train the muscles that support the spine. Do your exercises. Swimming in the pool brings great benefits to the back. However, you can also try other exercises. Running is advisable and if you want to go to a gym, make sure you have a personal trainer. Usually, trainers are experienced and will choose the most suitable training for you.

The Bottom Line

By following these simple recommendations, you will significantly prolong the health of your spine. Although, every person is individual and not each of these steps is universal. You just need to make sure that the proper way of lifestyle is always instrumental for your health.