Since Covid-19, our work environment has changed a lot. But it Is not just how we interact with colleagues that has changed; conditions have changed as well. Many companies have moved to the online regime. To protect themselves and others from the spread of Corona. Even if the virus is contained, much remains in the dark. 

It is interesting to see that many workers prefer this system to going to the office every day. There are several reasons for this. Not just to be able to play in the live casino all the time. 

But it just makes life more convenient.  


Studies have shown that employees became more productive and efficient. But why?

Let me introduce you to the many benefits of the work-from-home lifestyle.  

The first and most obvious is flexibility. You can do your tasks whenever you want. Before the deadline, of course, but still. This allows for a better work-life balance. You are less stressed when you forget something. 

Plus, this new way is a real time saver. You do not have to get up earlier every day because the time spent on public transportation or in traffic is simply eliminated. That is an hour a day!

When doing your job online, all you really need is a good computer and an internet connection. This way you can work wherever you want. On your balcony, in your kitchen, or even in bed. Nobody will know about it. That is also why this new format is so popular among travelers. You can choose your country freely and still work. 

Another advantage for the whole company is that it is now easier to hire employees on a broader basis. There are no restrictions in terms of location. So people with disabilities, with different socio-economic or cultural backgrounds all have the same opportunities. This makes the environment more diverse. 


Along with all these benefits, there are a few drawbacks. 

Workers tend to feel more isolated. Not everyone has a family or a partner at home. So colleagues play an important role in their social lives. 

Many workers felt this lack of human interaction. They missed it because all areas of life were restricted. 

The advantage of being free to decide where to work also has disadvantages. Like the different time zones, for example. You should always keep that in mind when you are abroad.  Working in another country also means that you have less time to really experience it. You still have your tasks to do. 

Because of this more flexible arrangement, people lacked a stable routine. 

Another big problem was distraction. No matter by what. Kids, partners, roommates, or just the TV. It was difficult to stay focused. Some families could not afford a quiet place for their children to work or study.  

Ultimately, there are pros and cons to this format. Nonetheless, it was deemed necessary to eliminate the Covid-19. Now companies are likely to fully integrate this work style.